Rapid Consultation: Video Tutorial and Meetings (across 3 weeks)

This service involves an initial orientation meeting, followed by delivery of pre-recorded video tutorial with close examination of work-in-progress and bespoke suggestions/feedback on programme theories, CMO configurations and analytical framing according to realist principles. Documents can include grant proposal drafts, initial programme theories, middle-range theories, data collection protocols, data analysis, CMO configurations, conceptual frameworks, dissemination outputs and publication manuscript drafts. Clients will receive assessment feedback and guidance on optimizing the use of realist methodology specific to their area of inquiry.

The video is produced roughly one week after the initial meeting and would be an estimated 90 mins in length. The content of the feedback would be followed-up at a final meeting a few weeks later. The service allows for teams to listen to the feedback, reflect and discuss in preparation for advanced questions in the final meeting.

Clients may submit a summary of work-in-progress and questions they would like addressed during the session, not exceeding 25 pages. For questions please contact j.jagosh@realistmethodology-cares.org


Rapid Realist Methodology Consultation (2 hours)

The Realist Methodology Consultation service provides efficient, comprehensive guidance on the conduct of research projects using realist methodology. With quick turn-around time, clients may submit samples from work-in-progress and receive detailed feedback.

Documents can include grant proposal drafts, initial programme theories, middle-range theories, data collection protocols, data analysis, CMO configurations, conceptual frameworks, dissemination outputs and publication manuscript drafts. Clients will receive assessment feedback and guidance on optimizing the use of realist methodology specific to their area of inquiry.

Clients may submit a summary of work-in-progress and questions they would like addressed during the session, not exceeding 10 pages. Please submit documents 72 hours prior to the session. Session length is up to 2 hours.

For questions please contact: j.jagosh@realistmethodology-cares.org

Realist Methodology Consultation and Feedback (3 weeks)
Client Full Name:
Client Email:
Realist Methodology Consultation Meeting (2 hours)
Client Full Name:
Client Email: